!FTPc File transfer Application

!FTPc is as the name suggests a FTP client.
This is the application I use for all updates to this website.
The images below describe it's main features and use of the application.

about.jpg - 18Kb

This is the main About screen.
It shows the applications Title, It's purpose, The Author's name and Version No.

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The User menu has some Pre-set Ftp connect details.

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Choices - Various options that I have never required to be altered.

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The Main screen allows you to Log into your webspace by entering the relevant details.
Host: ie home.freeuk.net or ftp.demon.co.uk etc
Path: Is the directory on the server where your web content is stored.
User and Password: Self explanatory
Account: Best left blank
Security: Enables secure connections to be used.
Proxy: Details the type of Proxy Server. None is the default
Passive: ON = Use PASV, OFF = Use PORT command, Default = use settings in Choices
Then Press CONNECT to connect to your chosen server or CANCEL to abort.

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Once connected a window containing the target Site's content's will appear.

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This is the Main Menu accessed from the Middle mouse button.

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The Access option sets user access paramenters.

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Save an Item or directory as, to a particular destination on your computer.

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Rename a file or directory.

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Site Specific Commands - To involved for this brief application feature.

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Information on a particular Item highlighted.

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Options - Again, never had need to delv into this menu.

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Change Directory Name

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SaveList - to save a copy of the displayed Directory.

newdir.jpg - 42Kb
New Directory Creation.

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Transfere Type.

If you have arrived here from a Search Engine
Click the link below to go to the Classic Acorn Home Page
Everyone else use the Navigation Section on the Left
