8bit Misc Pictures

Page 3

mdfs1s.jpg - 30Kb
Acorn BBC Master 128 and SJ Research MDFS Units

mdfs2s.jpg - 27Kb
SJ Research MDFS Units

mdfs3s.jpg - 44Kb
SJ Research MDFS Units

mdfsback.jpg - 44Kb
Left Rear of MDFS Unit

mdfsback1.jpg - 31Kb
Right Rear of MDFS Unit

mdfsfront.jpg - 30Kb
Front Panel of MDFS Unit

mdfsfront1.jpg - 27Kb
Front view of MDFS Unit

mdfsharddrive.jpg - 44Kb
Interior of an MDFS Drive

mdfsinside.jpg - 44Kb
Interior of an MDFS Unit

mdfsinside1a.jpg - 44Kb
Interior of an MDFS Unit

mdfsnetwork.jpg - 30Kb
MDFS Network Cabling

mdfsstack.jpg - 27Kb
MDFS Units stacked

meconet.jpg - 44Kb
Two Master 128 Econet Modules ( One third party the other Acorn )

meconet2.jpg - 44Kb
Master Econet Module ( I believe this was either for the Compact or A3000 as lower profile)

micropulserombox.jpg - 31Kb
Micro Pulse ROM Box for the BBC

MicroPulse_RomBox.jpg - 30Kb
Micro Pulse ROM Box - Another view

MicroPulse_RomBoxPlusAd.jpg - 27Kb
Micro Pulse ROM Box Advertisement.

Microvitec Monitor.jpg - 44Kb
The Iconic MicroVitec 'CUB' Monitor for the BBC Micro.

Mini Office 2 on ROM board.jpg - 44Kb
Mini Office II Software in ROM Format for faster loading. ( Original was Floppy Disc or Tape Based )

Morley_eprom_programmer.jpg - 44Kb
Morley Electronics EPROM Programmer

music_500.jpg - 30Kb
Acorn Computers Music 500 Unit.

opus_challenger_3.jpg - 27Kb
OPUS Challenger Disc Drive Unit

RB2_Trackerball.jpg - 44Kb
Marconi TrackerBall for the BBC-B / Mster 128

romcar1.jpg - 44Kb
Unidentified ROM Board

romcar2.jpg - 31Kb
Unidentified ROM Board

romram.jpg - 30Kb
Watford Electronics ROM/RAM Board fitted to a BBC-B

sidewiseplus.jpg - 27Kb
SideWise Plus ROM Board

solidiscsweb.jpg - 44Kb
SoliDisc RAM Board

solidiscswef.jpg - 44Kb
Solidisc RAM Board

Solidisk 256k 4mhz board.jpg - 44Kb
Solidisc 256k 4Mhz Board

spriteboard1.jpg - 30Kb
Sprite Board

spriteboard2.jpg - 27Kb
Sprite Board Interior View

stack.jpg - 44Kb
STACK LightPen+ and Box

Stack LightPen Boxed.jpg - 44Kb
STACK LightPen+ showing Box Contents

stl32kswrfront.jpg - 31Kb
STL 32K Sideways RAM card for the BBC B+

Teletext Adaptor and Manual.jpg - 30Kb
Acorn Teletext Adaptor, Manual and ATS ROM

teletext_boxed.jpg - 27Kb
Acorn teletext Adaptor with Box

torch.jpg - 44Kb
BBC Model-B with Torch Graduate Co-Processor System

torch-bbc-disk-pack.jpg - 44Kb
Torch Z80 Disc Pack for the BBC-B

torchdrive.jpg - 44Kb
Torch Z80 Disc Pack for the BBC-B

torchgradinsides1.jpg - 30Kb
Torch Graduate System Internal View

torchgradinsides2.jpg - 27Kb
Another Torch Graduate System Internal View

Torch_keyboard_bbc.jpg - 44Kb
Torch Keyboard

torchz80_l.jpg - 44Kb
Torch Z80 Co-Processor

torch_z80_disc_pack.jpg - 31Kb
TORCH Z80 Disc Pack

trek1.jpg - 30Kb
TREKKER Robot for the BBC-B

trek2.jpg - 27Kb
TREKKER Robot - Another View

trek3.jpg - 44Kb
TREKKER Robot - Another View

trek4.jpg - 44Kb
TREKKER Robot Manuals

trek5.jpg - 44Kb

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